TideSurge Tech
Branding Design.
Branding (Freelance Project)
Client: TideSurge Tech Company
Graphic Designer: Zelia Zhou
Project Overview
This project is designed for a startup company that builds business process management software and provide enterprise resource planning service.
It aims to offer customers a hassle-free e-commerce business management flow in an integrated system. Derived from the meaning behind “Tide Surge”, three sets of tides rising from the sea level represents the turbulent and ascending power of the growing business.
The logo is made from golden ratio circles to achieve visual harmony. The circular forms represent well-rounded integrity and moderation. The choice of three shades of blue from the Pantone Color Book represent different phases of the tide surge. The color of blue is associated with depth and stability, the shaded Deep Sea Blue tone refers to power and intelligence. The middle tone Tide Wave Blue represents wisdom and trust and the tinted tone Tranquility Blue refers to tranquility and understanding.


Logo Sketches